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Building Trustworthy Agentic AI for Enterprise Automation

As the Chief AI Officer at Opnova, I'm excited to share our vision for revolutionizing enterprise operations with trustworthy agentic AI. Our CEO, Sinan Eren has outlined Opnova's mission to eliminate rework - those repetitive, mundane tasks that can result in thousands of hours of lost productivity each year. In this blog, I want to focus on why creating a reliable, enterprise-grade AI automation solution is far more complex than many realize – and why Opnova is uniquely positioned to deliver on this promise.

The Enterprise AI Automation Conundrum


Enterprise AI automation holds immense potential for streamlining operations, reducing costs, and empowering people to focus on more valuable tasks that fully utilize their unique talents and skills. However, the gap between this vision and reality is substantial.

While creating impressive demos of AI automation in controlled environments is relatively straightforward, deploying AI systems that reliably and safely automate dynamic enterprise workflows—particularly in mission-critical IT, Security, and GRC operations—is a different challenge altogether. 

Current solutions often struggle to match the nuanced judgment and contextual understanding that skilled professionals bring to complex tasks, leading to increased manual intervention and rework that undermines the very efficiencies AI aims to create.

Key challenges include:

  • Complex Enterprise Environments: Enterprise IT landscapes consist of legacy systems, modern applications, and custom solutions. AI must navigate this complexity seamlessly.

  • High-Stakes Decision-Making: AI decisions can have significant financial, security, and compliance implications. There’s no room for error.

  • Data Privacy and Security: Enterprises handle sensitive data, making it essential that AI systems maintain strict data protection and security.

  • Auditability: Black-box AI solutions are unacceptable in enterprise contexts. Decisions must be transparent and auditable.

  • Evolving Regulations: AI systems need to adapt to constantly changing compliance requirements across jurisdictions.

Opnova's Approach: Trustworthy Agentic AI


At Opnova, we're committed to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in AI while never losing sight of the trust that enterprises place in us. Our goal is to create trustworthy agentic AI that can navigate the intricacies of enterprise environments with the adaptability, understanding, and decision-making prowess of experienced professionals. In the realm of enterprise automation, trustworthiness isn't just a feature—it's a necessity.



Agentic AI goes beyond traditional rule-based automation. Unlike predefined scripts, it can perceive its environment, adapt to it, make decisions, and take actions to accomplish tasks. Think of it as an autonomous taxi navigating a bustling city, compared to traditional automation's fixed-track train. This adaptability allows agentic AI to handle complex, dynamic environments where conventional automation falters.

We're innovating with agentic AI to create groundbreaking automation solutions for enterprise IT, security, and compliance operations. Our AI is designed to enhance and amplify the capabilities of professionals, not replace them. We believe the future of enterprise automation lies in this seamless collaboration, where AI augments professional expertise to achieve outcomes that surpass what either could accomplish alone.


Our approach is built on five core pillars:

  1. Adaptive Reliability: Our research focuses on creating AI systems that don't just learn, but continually adapt to changing enterprise environments, ensuring consistent robustness over time.

  2. Operational Safety: We're innovating in the field of AI alignment, ensuring our systems not only follow enterprise guidelines but understand and adapt to each organization's unique operational context and risk landscape.

  3. Collaborative Intelligence: We're developing advanced mechanisms for AI to seek professional guidance on high-risk tasks or when faced with unfamiliar situations, ensuring a seamless blend of AI efficiency and expert decision-making.

  4. Embedded Auditability: Our innovations in explainable AI and UX provide unprecedented ability to inspect, verify, and understand AI reasoning and actions at every step. This ensures that enterprises can thoroughly audit and trust the decisions made by our AI systems.

  5. Privacy and Security by Design: We're developing novel approaches to on-premises AI deployment and secure multimodal learning that keep sensitive enterprise data protected at all times.

These pillars form the foundation of our approach, enabling us to revolutionize IT, security, and compliance operations with agentic AI that is not only transformative but also reliable, safe, and transparent.


The Path Forward

Creating trustworthy agentic AI for enterprise automation is one of the most significant technological challenges in the current AI revolution. It requires not just technical innovation, but a deep understanding of enterprise needs, regulatory requirements, and the ethical implications of agentic AI deployment.

The commitment to trustworthy agentic AI is embodied at the highest levels of our organization. I work closely with José, our CTO, and Tiago, our Chief Architect, to drive our mission forward. Together with our team of engineers, researchers, builders, and enterprise security experts, we ensure that we're creating AI systems that are not just powerful, but provably safe and aligned with enterprise values.

As we continue this journey, we invite forward-thinking CIOs, CISOs, and technology executives to join us in shaping the future of enterprise AI automation. Together, we can create a new paradigm of intelligent, trustworthy, and transformative enterprise operations.

The path to truly trustworthy agentic AI-driven enterprise automation is challenging, but the potential rewards are immense. At Opnova, we're not just envisioning this future – we're building it, responsibly and innovatively, one breakthrough at a time.


Let’s take rework out of work!



Pedro Saleiro, 

Co-Founder/Chief AI Officer